Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
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The IACP's Pre-Budget Submission 2022 Campaign [03/09/21]

We need your help to ensure that the IACP's voice is heard in Government

Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Pre-Budget Submission 2022

The IACP is seeking the help of our members, their families, and their friends to ensure that Counselling and Psychotherapy are represented in Budget 2022. You can help to ensure that the Irish Government acknowledges our members in the upcoming budget by rallying your representatives in the Oireachtas by following this link

To download a version of the IACP Pre-Budget Submission 2022, please follow this link

To download the plain-text version of the IACP Pre-Budget Submission 2022, please follow this link

1. Budget 2022

In response to the rapidly growing demand for Counselling and Psychotherapy, the IACP calls on the Government to make provision for additional Counselling and Psychotherapy supports for those who need them.
Covid 19 has had a huge impact on people’s mental health and there are thousands more coming forward to seek Counselling and Psychotherapy at this time.

2. Our two asks:

Tax relief to be fully extended to Counselling and Psychotherapy, as a qualifying health expense, in Budget 2022.

The application of exemption of VAT, now rated at 13.5% on earnings over €37,500 for Counsellors and Psychotherapists from 2022.

We are calling for these measures primarily to widen access to counselling and psychotherapy. This widened access will make it more affordable to people who need these supports, arising from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on mental health.

3. Why invest in Counselling and Psychotherapy? 

A recent public survey we commissioned which was conducted by Behaviour & Attitudes (B&A)* reveals that the Covid-19 Pandemic continues to have a negative impact on the nation’s mental health. The survey reveals a worrying increase in adults presenting with mental health conditions.

Since 2019, the number of people feeling stressed “often” has almost tripled. By the same metric, those feeling anxious has tripled. Those feeling lonely or isolated has increased over fourfold. And those feeling depressed has almost tripled.

Affordability is seen as the biggest barrier to seeing a Psychotherapist according to our General Public Survey**, with 26% of respondents saying that cost is a barrier.

Our proposals would ease the cost burden for individuals seeking therapy and widen access to Psychotherapeutic and Counselling supports.

4. IACP’s Pre-Budget Submission

Read our Pre-Budget Submission here or watch a short video outlining our core proposals below.

5) Get involved:
If you want to join our campaign to widen access to therapy, there are many ways to get involved.

  • Contact your local politicians NOW by using our platform to send a customised email to your representatives of the Oireachtas.
  • Download our images below and use our sample posts for your social media page
  • Re-share our social media posts
  • Join the conversation with #Budget22 #Access2Therapy

*(B&A, General Public Survey 2021)
**(B&A, General Public Survey, 2019). 

Social Media Posts 


(Download Image Here)

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(Download Image here) 

(Download Image here)

1. The IACP launched its Pre-Budget Submission 2022: We call on the Government to increase access to counselling and psychotherapy, please support us by following this link and sharing this message. #budget2022  #Access2Therapy

2. The IACP calls on the Government to seek equity for their members, and increase access to their services. Please support us by following this link and sharing this message. #budget2022  #Access2Therapy 

3. We're calling on the Government for VAT Exemption for our members, and for increased access to therapy. Please support us by following this link and sharing this message. #budget2022  #Access2Therapy 

4. In this #budget2022 we seek equity of treatment and parity of esteem. Please follow this link for more information and support our aims. #access2therapy 

5. VAT exemption would bring counsellors and psychotherapists into line with the exemption currently available to other health professionals. Please see for more information. #budget2022 #access2therapy 


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