Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
01 230 35 36
CPD Diploma In Integrative Adolescent Psychotherapy CPD Training by The Greenane Centre
Blended training
143 CPD hours
External Training, IACP CPD approved.

Diploma in Integrative Adolescent Psychotherapy
This Diploma In Integrative Adolescent Psychotherapy has been developed in response to the ever growing demand for competent and appropriately trained adolescent counsellors and psychotherapists. Thus, in ensuring principals of best practices when working with this client group, therapists need to possess the appropriate knowledge, skills and competencies in order to ensure they are working ethically, professionally and effectively with this population group. As such this 24 day CPD Diploma In Integrative Adolescent Psychotherapy has been developed to address the gap in training at diploma level for qualified counsellors and psychotherapists who wish to work therapeutically with this client group.

For more information, please visit: 

Main Educational Objectives:

Ø  Acquire a clear understanding and appreciation of the legal and ethical issues specific to adolescent psychotherapy.

Ø  Develop a sound understanding of adolescent development across all developmental domains.

Ø  Appreciate the importance and value of parental involvement in adolescent psychotherapy.

Ø  Understand the impact of developmental trauma on the developing adolescent psyche.

Ø  Gain a sound understanding and appreciation of the value of utilising creative mediums in adolescent psychotherapy.

Ø  Acquire an in depth knowledge and skills to effectively utilise a range of empirically validated modalities in an integrative manner.

Ø  Become proficient in working therapeutically with adolescents in a manner appropriate to their level of need, ability, developmental level and social context.

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